
Photo prints

My photographic prints are available on professionally-printed, top-quality 270gsm satin paper in the following sizes:

  • A5 (210 X 148mm)
  • A4 (297 x 210mm)
  • A3 (420 x 297mm)
  • A2 (594 x 420mm)
  • A1 (840 x 594mm)

Mounted prints

Mounted prints are available in the sizes above and copme in a white or black mount with backboard. They are signed by myself and have my unique logo.

Framed prints

I have a selection of limited edition framed prints available from myself and also on show at The Captain’s Table restaurant in St Ives.

I can also offer any of my photographic prints professionally framed and then shipped to you. For shipping, I usually use a very high quality acrylic glass, instead of actual glass, as I have found breakages can occur in shipping. But the acrylic is perfectly fine and you would never know the difference,

I can also offer a professional framing service. I offer three frames: black, white, and a natural finish, as pictured below.

JC frames